
This course aims to familiarise the students with major statutes affecting the operations of business organizations.

Learning Outcomes: On completing the course, the students will be able to:


1.   Analyse statutory provisions and the core concepts in business laws


2.   Analyse legal issues arising in day-to-day business operations prevalent in India.


3.   Identify unfair trade practices and gain insights about the consumer redressal mechanism in the country.


4.   Discuss possible solutions to issues in organisations in the frame work of business laws


Understand the provisions of RTI Ac




This course aims to enable students to understand the basic concepts of financial management and make them aware of major decision areas of financial management.



Learning Outcome: On completing the course, students will be able to:


1.   Understand various basic concepts of finance.


2.   Develop skills for effective Financial, Investment and Dividend decision making.


3.   Evaluate projects and select the most suitable project after analysing various aspects.




The course acquaints the students with the knowledge about corporate accounting. The modules introduce the fundamental Indian accounting standard and equip the students with skills for preparing corporate accounts

.Learning outcomes: On completing the course, the students will be able to:

1.   Understand and apply fundamental IndASs on inventories, PPE, provisions, income tax, borrowing cost and intangible assets


2.   Prepare annual financial statements for companies and compute accounting ratios.


Record transactions in respect of redemption of preference shares and debentures



To update and expand basic Informatics skills of the students.


To equip the students to effectively utilize the digital knowledge resources for their study.


Learning Outcome: On completing the course, the students will be able to


1.   Acquire the various soft skills required for professional.


2.   Describe the nuances of professional communication and business data analysis.


3.   Know the different dimensions of e- learning.


4.   Gain insights about cyber laws.


Understand the evolving concept of digital markets and digital marketing